
George Best Wilson is the SEG Seniors’ Champion for 2019

George Best Wilson is the SEG Seniors’ Champion for 2019

The South East Group Seniors’ Championship was held at Thetford Golf Club on 24th & 25th July 2019.

The course presented a good test for the full field of seniors from the eleven counties of the SEG region but this was nothing when compared to the test presented by the weather. Asking golfers to play on two days that saw record temperatures was perhaps unkind but everyone knows the dedication that golfers insist on showing! In his Presentation speech, Mike Rees, SEG President, congratulated everyone for having managed to complete two rounds of golf in such extreme conditions. The players certainly deserved to be congratulated. 

The staff at the golf club were all exceptionally helpful but special mention must be made of Phil Beer, House Manager at the club, who ensured that water was in plentiful supply at the numerous water stations around the course and also in a barrel that he had on the back of his utility vehicle. Many of the players commented on his ability to appear to be in multiple places simultaneously. Thanks Phil.

Scoring was not easy – nobody managed to make level par over the two days. For a while on the second day it was looking like we might have a play-off for the title but George Best Wilson of Calcot Park GC, who was in the last group on the course, came in with a second round score that lifted him above those who had already finished. George won the Alan Hobson Trophy with an excellent 72 + 73 = 145 (1 over par). Congratulations to George and good luck for the rest of the season.

All the results can be found here. 

Our 2019 Seniors’ Champion is pictured below with Mike Rees.

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